Light strawberries dessert

Do you fancy a ligerito dessert? Well do not think more, this is your dessert!
You can put wholemeal cookies, without sugar, or the cereals that you like the most. It is done at the moment and will have about 100 gr. of sugar, which among the 4 glasses is nothing.
Here you have the recipe, I hope you like it.

Strawberry light dessert
90 gr. of whole grains of chocolate
100 gr. of strawberries
400 gr. of cheese quart 0%
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
4 tablespoons sugar
For jam:
300 gr. of strawberries
50 gr. of sugar
Prepare the jam first by putting the chopped strawberries and sugar in a saucepan over the fire. We cook until the strawberries are soft and let cool.
We put the cereals in a bag and with a rolling pin we crush them, they do not have to be ground but in small pieces. Place them in the bottom of 4 glasses or glasses.
Next we mix the cheese, sugar and vanilla powder. Mix well and put the cream on top of the cereals.
Once the marmalade is cold, place it on top of the cream cheese and garnish with the remaining strawberries.
Let it in the refrigerator until it is cold.>